16. Once I confirmed the diagnosis and the introduction of the diet, celiac can be considered “cured” and no longer needs medical or dietetic supervision?

It is absolutely essential to attend regular reviews with experts to check the condition of the patient. Some symptoms, such as iron deficiency anemia, may need treatment. Moreover, even after the establishment of the diet, malignancies can develop in adults. Thus, medical monitoring that includes verification of proper monitoring by the celiac diet and, moreover, an update of the composition of new products on the market and possible changes of food composition is absolutely essential and existing.

17. If I am celiac and gluten free products consumption, can I stop being a celiac in the future?

No. According to current medical knowledge, gluten intolerance celiac person posing is permanent, and therefore what is celiac lifetime. However, the quality of life of celiac correctly follow the gluten-free diet can be very good.

18. I am celiac. If traces of gluten consumption will I pass anything?

Although ingestion of small quantities is inadvisable, current medical research suggests that if a food contains less than 20 ppm does not have to be detrimental. However, the less gluten intake better.

19. The only gluten contact with the surface of the skin Is it enough to adversely affect the celiac?

No. The only gluten causes problems if ingested. It can not be absorbed through the skin.

20. Is it possible to find a cure for celiac disease?

There are reasons to be optimistic. Researchers are addressing the issue from different points of view, including: indigestible fragments degrade gluten so they do not cause an immune response, preventing the intestine is so permeable to gluten, vaccinate patients with certain fragments of gluten, prevent tissue transglutaminase stimulate the immune response… However, none of these has yet participated in relevant clinical trials.

21. Should who I say that I am a celiac?

You should say so in your work, social and family environment. This way when you share a table, they will think in your diet and you won’t feel different.

22. People with celiac disease can be blood donors?

Yes, no problem provided that meet general requirements for blood donors.

23. Can you apply for a disability for this disease?

No. Currently celiac disease is not recognized as a disability. Therefore is not covered by grant aid celiac disease. But if you suffer from other associated diseases may be the case in this respect you should ask your doctor.

24. Can I require at school a gluten free diet for my child? And in the camps? What about my job?

Yes, at school. According to Article 40 paragraph 5 of Law 17/2011 on Food and Nutrition Security in case of intolerance to gluten ensure alternative menus. In the camps there is no obligation. In the workplace, there is no obligation to offer gluten-free menu. You should request and talk to the kitchen staff.

25. When traveling, can I trust or I take the food to guarantee me no gluten? If sick, whose responsibility is it?

Even before leaving we scheduled our trip gluten free diet, it is advisable to remember our arrival, monitor meals. It is also advisable to bring some food (a cookie or muffin) if contingencies arise. We always advise to contact the association of celiac places where you travel, especially if it is overseas, so they can inform and advise you better.

26. Long distance transport offer gluten-free menus?

There are gluten-free menus in most overseas flights. You need to apply the menu when purchasing the ticket. Also long distance trains are available in gluten-free cafe, and you can order the gluten free menu in first class when purchasing the ticket.

27. Is it allowed to take communion?

Yes, you can receive Communion under the species of wine without any problem. There are also gluten-free wafers you can apply to your association of celiac or in your church, but when celiac communion should be the first, having been separated from the rest of his host, to avoid contamination.

28. If a cosmetic has gluten, can be used by a celiac?

Yes, Celiac Disease is only related to the ingestion of gluten, i.e. only affects when the product is eaten or drunk.

29. Can I drink alcohol?

All alcoholic beverages of high degree, including those containing cereal as an ingredient, they go through a distillation process. Distillation removes any traces of gluten, so that the final beverage is gluten. Wines and spirits in general are also free of gluten. Beers by their nature contain gluten, but there is also beer “Gluten free” on the market.

30. Is internal contamination in the home it possible? What are the measures to avoid it?

Yes. You have to avoid the joint storage of products with gluten and gluten-free, avoid using the same utensils of food with gluten and gluten-free food, and avoid all contact products containing gluten with those who are gluten-free.