Gluten free foods:
Those naturally do not contain gluten.
- Milk and dairy products: cheese, cheese spreads without flavors, cottage cheese, cream, natural yoghurt, curd.
- All kinds of fresh meat and offal, frozen and preserved naturally.
- Meats: beef jerky, prosciutto ham and extra quality.
- Fresh and frozen fish without batter, fresh seafood and shellfish in water or oil.
- Eggs.
- Vegetables and tubers.
- Fruits.
- Rice, corn, tapioca, and their derivatives.
- Legumes.
- Sugar and honey.
- Oils and butters.
- Coffee beans or ground coffee, tea and orange soda, lemon and cola.
- Wines and sparkling beverages.
- Raw nuts.
- Salt, wine vinegar, spices, wool, grain and all natural.
Foods that may contain gluten:
Those who naturally do not contain gluten, but they can incorporate the technological process or cross-contamination.
- Sausages: chopped, bologna, sausage, black pudding, sausage, etc.
- Pates.
- Processed cheese spreads flavors, special pizza.
- Canned meat, meatballs, hamburgers.
- Canned fish in sauce, with tomato sauce.
- Sauces, seasonings and food colorings.
- Coffee substitutes, cocoa and chocolate and other drinks machine .
- Roasted or fried with flour and salt nuts.
- Sweets and candies.
- Some types of ice cream.
- Artificial chocolate.
Foods that contain gluten:
Products made from cereals for celiac prohibited.
- Bread, wheat flour, barley, rye.
- Buns, cakes and pies.
- Biscuits, cakes and pastries.
- Pasta: macaroni, noodles …
- Dried figs.
- Distilled or fermented beverage from cereals: beer, barley water .
- Manufactured products in which in its composition any meal previously and in any of its forms: scent, starch, meal, protein.
- Communion wafers.

- Lo productos considerados “genéricos” (sin gluten) pueden consumirse de cualquier marca. Sin embargo, se han detectado en el mercado etiquetados preventivos que indican “puede contener gluten” o “puede contener trazas”. Por ello recomendamos leer la etiqueta del producto y adquirir solo aquellas marcas que no indican este tipo de información.
- Los productos específicos para celiacos (pan, harinas,pasta, galletas, dulces, etc.) tienen que estar certificados bajo el Sistema de Licencia Europeo ELS o “Espiga Barrada” o indicar la mención “sin gluten” (<20 ppm) para asegurar la ausencia de gluten.