31. Given a reasonable doubt, is there a fast and reliable method that the consumer can use?

Given a reasonable doubt, it is best to refrain from eating the food. As you have an application tool for mobile “FACE Movil” free in case of belonging to an association of celiac belonging to the Federation of Celiac Associations of Spain.

32. If occasionally I transgressions (eat some gluten) and I have no symptoms, it means that I tolerate small amounts of gluten?

Despite not show clinical symptoms, it is shown that small amounts of gluten can severely damage the intestinal villi. Therefore, to be effective gluten-free diet you have to follow strictly and indefinitely.

33. What happens when the treatment is not followed?

The delay in diagnosis and/or lack of proper treatment can lead to complications such as malnutrition, mental depression, male and female infertility, repeated abortions and increased risk of certain cancers.

34. Can I have a bowel cancer if not respect gluten-free diet?

Yes, patients with uncontrolled or permanently active celiac disease, gluten intake permanent, have a higher risk than the general population to develop some digestive cancers, such as intestinal lymphoma.

35. Is it related to other diseases?

Celiac disease may be associated with other chronic diseases such as diabetes, epilepsy, dermatitis herpetiformis, etc.

Before diagnosis, celiac may have intolerance to lactose in the presence of a diffuse damage to the intestinal mucosa (because they produce much milk acidity). This injury usually resolves to start making gluten-free diet.

36. Is celiac disease contagious?

No, it’s not at all.

37. Can it be prevented?

No, because no one knows the exact cause that one person present this intolerance. Without, however, early diagnosis, and immediately exclude gluten from the diet, they prevent malnutrition in the patient and prevent the occurrence of complications, which can be as serious as a bowel cancer.

38. How life is affected by a celiac having to follow a strict diet for life?

CD should not be an obstacle to the development of a normal life. Although celiac being implies a number of limitations, once properly diagnosed and treated disease, remains a problem.

Parents of a celiac child should not prohibit their children attending parties, birthdays or school camps. Yes they should talk with the leaders of these activities in order to inform them about the diet to be followed and the importance of not making transgressions.

Similarly, for adult celiac need not present any issues when doing any activity, paying particular attention to when choosing their food.

39. Is it very difficult to respect a gluten free diet?

At first it might seem complicated, but the important thing is to learn where to buy food; define a separate place in the kitchen to store food and utensils, learning to cook without gluten and explain to family and friends involved. It is important not to live gluten-free diet as a limitation but as an opportunity to improve one’s quality of life.

40. What happens when a celiac eats gluten, there is an immediate reaction or may be cumulative and present symptoms after?

The deterioration of the villi is immediately. Symptoms may be immediate or after a while if gluten consumption continues and they depend on each patient, the degree of deterioration of the villi and the amount of gluten consumed.

41.  Is it normal for blood tests go well when the gluten-free diet is followed?

If the patient takes a gluten-free diet in strict form and for always, the tests will be well. That means that the disease is under control but that has not disappeared.

42. Does celiac disease is related to dermatitis herpetiformis (DH)?

The DH is called celiac disease of the skin. People with DH can present clear symptoms of CD or also be asymptomatic, but in over 90% of cases exhibit intestinal mucosal injury similar to that presented by the celiac patients. Therefore, all patients with DH confirmed by biopsy taken from healthy skin must undergo an intestinal biopsy and subsequently to a strict gluten-free diet for life. Sulfone treatment can quickly control skin, especially itching lesions. GFD in these patients allows normalization of the intestinal mucosa and avoids the complications described above.

43. Are the long-term implications of failure to follow a gluten free diet for a person with dermatitis herpetiformis are not the same as a celiac?

The patient with DH behaves like celiac, so future impacts may be the same.

44. Gluten can be spread through the air?

Yes, it enough to sprinkle flour within an air stream.

45. Is there a law requiring indicate the presence of gluten?

Yes. Spanish Regulation 41/2009, of January 20, 2009. Besides the mandatory within a few years and apply over any existing national standard General Labelling Law and the new regulation on consumer information, which will force explicit declaration of gluten like the other 13 should be considered allergens included in the legislation.

46. According to regulation 41/2009, what are the amounts of gluten permitted in gluten -free foods or very low gluten content?

Regulation 41/2009 provides for two categories:

– Specific and conventional foods that contain less than 20 ppm (mg / kg) of gluten, which is labeled with the words “Gluten Free”.

– Specific foods containing up to 100 ppm (mg / kg) of gluten, which is labeled with the words “very low gluten”.

47. If the label says “traces of gluten”, does it mean that the product contains less than 20 ppm?

No. With the publication of Regulation 41/2009 has made ​​it clear that the 20 ppm represent a threshold level that defines how a product should be labeled. That is, or has more than 20 ppm, and then there is a gluten-free product or has less and then it can be labeled as “gluten free”. Therefore it makes no sense to speak of traces so gluten is concerned. Since celiac disease is not an allergy, but an intolerance, and gluten today is not technically or legally, as an allergen.

48. A product “Gluten free” means “Zero gluten”?

No. In practice it is not possible to determine the absolute zero in gluten or any other component. In addition, in the case of gluten, unlike what happens with allergens, nor is necessary to determine absolute zero to ensure the safety of the product.

49. So what really does the expression “gluten-free” mean?

The term “gluten-free” means that that food has a content of less than 20 ppm gluten.

50. Is it possible to take a “Zero gluten” diet?

No. Besides being unnecessary to maintain good health, it is very difficult to guarantee zero gluten. It is possible to consume the least amount of gluten provided that natural products such as meat, fish, fruits and vegetables or milk recourse.

51. How can a celiac identify a product suitable for celiac?

There are many symbols created by different manufacturers. The legislation indicates that products can be and must be recognized by the legend “gluten-free”, unless they are conventional foods which, by its nature, cannot contain it (generic products).

52. What is the symbol used by the European associations of people with celiac disease to indicate that a product is “gluten-free”? And in Spain?

There is a symbol, consisting of a shank wheeled within a circle, which is the international symbol. In Spain, we can see, in addition to this, other signs that are characteristic of different gluten-free and own food industry associations. There is also another symbol that identifies that a product is “gluten-free” and that an external company (certifier) endorses it, being more restrictive in the content of gluten (10 ppm). This is the mark of warranty “Controlled by FACE”, developed by FACE.

53. What does the brand assurance FACE?

It means that the product is identified with it voluntarily contains less than 10 ppm of gluten, and a company external to it (certification) guarantees and verifies that the company controls its production and meets specific requirements for the prevention of gluten. It is voluntary and accurate of a prior and ongoing audit to obtain.

54. Are they valid labeled “Gluten Free” non- brand warranty “controlled FACE”?

Yes. The indication “gluten-free”, in any of the ways, is voluntary. You must consider that when a manufacturer label a product “gluten-free” on a voluntary basis, is held responsible for the content of gluten in the product, and mislead the consumer can cost dearly.

55. How to spell celiac or coeliac?

Both are right, “coeliac” is in British English and “celiac” is in American English.